Posted by: Jim Munroe | January 19, 2009

Which REALLY BALD person is Jim?

My wife put the finishing touches on my head with my clippers yesterday.  We were sick of finding hair ALL OVER the house.  But, I have to admit… all bald people look the same.  So… I have a challenge for all of you.  Most of you will probably not guess correctly… so don’t feel bad.  BUT, which of the following bald people is Jim Munroe.  Is it contestant 1, 2, 3, or 4?  Post your vote in the comment section at the bottom of the page.  We’ll tally, and crown a winner.


  1. Jim, You look ridiculously like Bruce Willis. That’s creepy!

  2. This is a trick. Contestants 1 and 3 are actually the same person. I won’t fall for this tomfoolery.

  3. Please..easy…contestant #4–You look awesome Jim!!

  4. Number one of course.

    i think you look FANTASTIC! hair or no hair, you can work it 🙂

  5. I’m going to have to go with Larkin…..#4!

  6. You look like moby…lol

  7. I don’t know Larkin I think you might be wrong on this one ….I have to say Contestant #1

  8. Jim! You look great no matter what! If Bruce Willis and Moby had a child, and he all of a sudden became a grown man, and Moby actually made more music, and Bruce made a decent movie… that would be you. I miss you Jim, I’d love to see you (and the family soon)…I actually don’t think I’ve ever met your babies! Anyway, I’m thinking about ya…Hopefully see you soon! =)

  9. I’d have to say #4 definitly!!! Although is changing race a side effect of Chemo also? If so then maybe i’ll change to #1….
